Food is Love

In 2005, I (Teresa) discovered that I had Celiac disease. As a native Texan, Longhorn, long-time Austinite and foodie, I thought my life was over. Gathering around a table to "break bread" had always been one of the most sacred and intimate forms of connection and community. And suddenly, I couldn't eat what everyone else was eating and either had to bring my own food in a tupperware container or just NOT eat what others were eating if I wanted to be with people. I learned to adapt, though, it always bothered me that I couldn't fully celebrate and share in a meal or even a cupcake.

I met my husband (Anthony) in 2011. Early on. we bonded because his love language was food; nothing gave us more joy than to serve people delicious foods and share meals around the table with loved ones. We were a match made in foodie heaven! But he quickly noticed how while others were sharing cakes and pizzas, I alone abstained from some of the shared meals and celebrations or had to always inquire food substitutes or not eat at all. This broke his heart, and he and decided to make it his mission as a chef to develop foods that I CAN eat, including moist and delicious gluten free baked goods that everyone, including me, would be able to enjoy and share together at one "table."

Over the years, Anthony lovingly developed recipes and delicious goodies and meals for our gatherings that we could all enjoy. Let's say, I've been quite spoiled. But one day we realized, this is something we'd love to share with the world so that others can also enjoy the yummy goodness that puts bright smiles on faces and heals hearts of others who've felt left out of tables and celebrations.

And thus BOM BAKESHOP* was born in 2016 when we moved to the Highland neighborhood in Austin, Texas. After a brief stint, we paused our side hustle bakeshop as the hubs adventured into Sushi Chef life and I further into the Tech Startup world. Needless to say, this left no time for our baking extracurricular pursuits.

In March 2020, with the sudden lockdown measures of the pandemic "pausing" Anthony's career as a sushi chef, we chose to see this layoff as an opportunity to reopen our virtual "doors" to our local Austin family to spread a little "BOM*" aka 봄 in Korean meaning Springtime, & JOY when we all could use a little extra of both.

During these challenging times, we hope to bring smiles to your faces and shalom to your hearts and homes with these delectable gluten free treats and want to express our heartfelt gratitude for your support for our small Austin-based business. Our mission is to simply SPREAD JOY through our mochi creations, gatherings, and content.

With love,
Teresa and Chef Anthony

Thank you for supporting a dream & vision that began 9 years ago that is now made possible by God, hope, & you.